Membership Eligibility
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP: The following shall be eligible for membership as voting members in the Association: Judicial Assistants, Secretaries, Paralegals or Law Clerks performing administrative duties and holding appointments by United States Bankruptcy Judges.
ASSOCIATE RETIRED MEMBERSHIP: Associate membership may be granted to any member in good standing upon the member’s leaving employment as a Judicial Assistant, Secretary, Paralegal or Law Clerk performing administrative duties to a Bankruptcy Judge. Such Associate Retired JA Members shall have no right to vote or hold office and shall pay the same annual dues as other members. Associate Retired JA Members may attend the annual business meetings of the Association.
ASSOCIATE CERTIFIED BANKRUPTCY ASSISTANT ("CBA") MEMBERSHIP: Associate CBA membership may be granted to any person in the private sector, who has passed the certification examination administered by the Association of Bankruptcy Judicial Assistants. Such CBAs are not eligible to vote or hold office but may be a member of any Committee other than the Bylaws and Finance Committees.