
President's Welcome Message

Teresa Wheeler - Sixth Circuit
ABJA President

Hello from the Volunteer State!!!

My name is Teresa Wheeler, and I have the honor of serving as your 2024-2025 ABJA President. I have been the judicial assistant to the Honorable Suzanne Bauknight, Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee, since she took the bench in November 2014. 

I want to take this opportunity to thank Karen Hess, Denise Williams and Martha Ledezma for their support and encouragement as we move forward into 2025. These three ladies have left huge shoes for me to fill but have assured me they will be by my side as we go through this year. I know that with the support of the three of them and our members, we will have a great year. Growth of the Mentoring and Webinar programs is continuing, with our most recent webinar being well attended. If you have a suggestion for a webinar or any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or your Circuit Representative.

To everyone who is an Officer, Chairperson, Liaison or ABJA Member, your dedication to ABJA is invaluable and what ensures the continued success of this organization.

The 2025 ABJA Annual Conference will be in Knoxville, Tennessee, with more details to come!

 ABJA Officers for 2024 - 2025

President, Teresa Wheeler
President-Elect, Jennifer Bruce
Secretary, Denise Williams
Treasurer, Debbie Chavez (Jan. 2024 - Dec. 2025)

Parliamentarian, (Vacant

Circuit Representatives:

DC/1st - Vacant
2nd - Vacant
3rd - Cacia Batts
4th - Ursula Hamilton
5th - Karen Hess
6th - Katrina Shellman
7th - Cindy McNeilly 
8th - Vacant
9th - Chantelle Sliman
10th - Vacant
11th - Sabrina Mallow

Become an ABJA Officer! 

Consider being an active member in the ABJA. Review the Position Descriptions. Get on the next ballot to be a Circuit Representative!  It's a great place to start!

Committee Chairs:

Bylaws - Denise Williams
CBA Program - Denise Williams 
Conference - Karen Hess
Continuing Education - Laura Stevenson
Finance - Martha Ledezma
History - Laura Stevenson
Legislation - Teresa Wheeler
Long Range Planning - Jennifer Bruce
Membership - Cindy McNeilly
Newsletter/PR - Denise Williams
Nominations/Elections - Venice Tamplin-Henderson
Support & Assistance - Katrina Shellman
Website Development - Denise Williams